Chloride Reduction
Optimize your water softener

Culligan's Commitment to the Environment
The salt used for deicing snowy roads and parking lots as well as the salt discharged from human waste and water softeners can end up being washed into our lakes and streams. The resulting pollutants, one being chloride, are not able to be fully removed by many sewage treatment facilities in Wisconsin. Cities in the Greater Milwaukee area have launched a program to reduce sewer discharge chlorides by 40 to 50% by the year 2021. One step is to reduce the amount coming from water softeners.
With the water conditions in the Greater Milwaukee area, we need water softeners. This important home appliance reduces 90% of all water borne contaminants. In the future, even as lake water begins flowing to area homes, water softeners will still be needed to remove the remaining hard water minerals, the increased chloride and other contaminants that may be present in our water supply.
This Softener Optimization Program asks water softener companies to gain access to your home to lower your water softener's salt use. Culligan water, the industry leader has agreed to optimize Culligan and Mermaid brand softeners as well as softeners sold in big box stores. The subsidized charge will be $10 to the homeowner.
Optimized water softeners can have their efficiencies improved to in turn better protect fish and plants in our area lakes and streams. These efficiencies include correcting the levels of salt usage, recommending better brands of salt, and adjusting the salt dosage. All of these improvements will save you money and benefit our waterways through the decrease in waste produced by our household water softeners.
The softener technician will perform a four-step process to maximize the performance of your softener:
- First, a survey of the number of fixtures in the home and the number of residents will determine water use and softener settings.
- Then a water test is completed to determine if the softener is working.
- That will be followed by a quick check for leaks which could lead to wasting water and adjusting the softener settings for the most efficient regeneration schedule and salt dosage level.
- Finally, the homeowner will receive written report on the softener.
That report will indicate if age of the unit is causing excessive salt use. For instance, it may be hard to optimize a softener if it is failing. An example may be after the ion exchange resin loses its efficiency over time and struggles to remove hard water minerals. This problem can be repaired with a softener "rebed". The technician would return to add new resin to the tank.
Or softener parts may not meet the rigors of today's water conservation demands. A timer or meter on the softeners may have limited functionality preventing optimization. Even salt choice may affect efficiency. Culligan recommends solar salt crystals. Salt blocks and rock salt have poor consistency and impurities. The technician can explain what needs to be done. Optimization in the area so far has reduced salt usage by 38% on average. This includes only units that were optimized or replaced with more efficient units.
Contact Culligan water with any questions or concerns.
Ask about our Culligan Softener Optimization Program today!
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